
Friday, 5 September 2014

Happy Moon Festival Weekend!

We finished our final drafts of our paragraphs on our family in language and spelling today. We will keep going through the steps of the writing process throughout the year, as the students become more capable and confident with their writing. This first time through the writing process went well! I look forward to watching the students grow.

I hope that you and your loved ones have a great long weekend! We will have our spelling quiz on Tuesday, with the spelling words listed below and in the students' language notebooks.

Second grade will read the morning prayer and the Angelus next week (Sept. 9th-12th). I put a sticky note in the students' communication books who are doing this. These students will need to be at school by 8:20 a.m. to prepare. Thank you!

Tonight's homework: Write spelling words five times (community, citizen, country, role, rule, fair, responsibility, cooperate.)

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