
Friday, 19 September 2014

P.E./Health Quarter 1 Outline

PE/Health quarter 1 outline: Grade 2
Your Health text book pages:  p54-57 and p 90, 91, 94, 95
*Students should read and review the information in these pages and class worksheets.
Quarter 1 sport: T-ball
Basic rules:
  • There are 4 bases (1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, home base)
  • If you stop at a base before the ball gets to that base, you are safe.
  • If a fielder with the ball tags you or the base before you get there, you are out.
  • If you hit the ball, you MUST run to first base.
  • If you hit the ball anywhere behind you (or behind 1st and 3rd base) it is a foul ball.
  • foul ball will count as a strike
  • 3 strikes = out
  • A strike is if you try hit, but you miss the ball.
  • If a fielder catches the ball in the air – you are out.
  • If two runners get to the same base – the first runner will be out.
To score a point:
  • To score a point, a batter must run around and touch all 4 bases.
  • Teams will change after 3 outs.
  • Teams will change after everyone has batted.

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