
Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Tuesday, August 26th, 2014

I am impressed with many of the students' poster-creating skills! We went over the criteria for what makes a good poster: title, large and tidy printing, colorful and "eye-catching." I appreciate the hard work that the students put into their homework (and for you, their parents, for assisting them.)

As discussed at Saturday's meeting, I have directed the students to write all of their language arts-related notes (spelling, reading, phonics, language) in their language notebook. All of their social studies notes are to be written in their social studies notebook and all of the science notes are to be written in their science notebook. They also have a Christian Living notebook as well. All four of the notebooks have been labeled, and I will encourage the students to check to make sure they are writing in the correct notebook. Apart from Christian Living, I will be checking these notebooks on a regular basis, correcting and providing feedback as needed.

The students began prewriting in their language and spelling class. We are going to go through all of the stages of writing in the next two weeks. The topic for our first paragraph is "Family." Some of the students need a bit of assistance to complete their prewriting task (ex: how to write Dad's job title in English.) If you are able to help them fill in the gaps, I would greatly appreciate it. Their prewriting is in their language notebook. Once we complete this prewriting task, we will begin drafting. I am confident that every student will be able to write an excellent paragraph by following the writing stages!

Tonight's homework: Social Studies Activity Book pg. 3-4

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