
Friday, 28 November 2014

Friday, November 28th, 2014

Today in the second grade, we:
  • practiced using our weekly target vocabulary and distinguished between the different vowel sounds of y in language and spelling class
  • solved problems using a bar graph and a grid in math class
  • finished our thanksgiving trees in art class
  • celebrated the DISK language festival, where the students presented information on Hong Kong, and learned about Italy and Japan from the other grades
The students did a wonderful job presenting! I'm so proud of them. I was happy to see some moms and dads in the audience, but I apologize for not having much time to stop & chat. Thank you for coming to support your children!  I didn't have my phone on me during the festival, so I didn't take any photos, but Ms. Zeng was able to get a few, and I'll be sure to post them on the blog soon.
Tonight's homework:
  • Write spelling words five times (from Math pg. 77-89: survey, tally marks, data, pictograph, symbols, bar graph, ordered pair, mode, range, median.) Prepare for quiz on Monday.
  • Complete Journeys Practice Book pg. 72-75.
*Special Note:

The students will have their minor subject exams next week. The schedule is as follows: 
  • P.E./Health Exam: Monday, December 1st
  • Chinese: Tuesday, December 2nd
  • Music: Thursday, December 4th
  • Christian Living: Thursday, December 4th 

Have a beautiful weekend!

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