
Monday, 3 November 2014

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

Today in the second grade, we:
  • learned the difference between "boastful" and "humility" at the weekly assembly
  • took our weekly spelling quiz (everyone passed!) and created story maps in language and spelling class
  • took our chapter 3 quiz on subtraction and started chapter 4: "Data, Graphing and Probability" in math class
  • read about and discussed "Animal Homes" in reading and phonics class
  • found out how leaders can either be voted, born or fight their way into a leadership position in social studies class
Tonight's homework:
  • Reading Response Journal (either the worksheet OR 6-8 sentences and a picture in your language notebook)
  • Complete Handwriting Connections pg. 33-34 (most of the students have already started this, and some have finished it in class.)
Next week's spelling words (for Monday, November 10th) will come from Journeys pg. 122-123:

1. wonderful
2. noises
3. quiet
4. sprinkled
5. share
6. bursting
7. noticed
8. suddenly

*Special Note: 

Is anyone missing a size 40 girl's school jumper? Miya's mom found it among Miya's things after the All Saints' Day celebration and was very kind to wash it and return it! Just let me know in the assignment book and I'll send it home with your daughter.

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