
Friday, 28 August 2015

Friday, August 28th, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • performed our August poem and reviewed hard and soft c and g sounds in reading and phonics class
  • worked with today's number (8) and practiced with addends, doubles facts, doubles-plus-one-facts in math class
  • reviewed our weekly target vocabulary, practiced our class song, took turns sharing about our families during our weekly sharing time, and continued our handwriting unit in language and spelling class
  • reviewed measuring tools and compared the current temperature of cities around the world in science class
Congratulations to Fiona, Sophie and Mickey who won awards for their awesome typing in computer class!

Sophie told us about her four brothers during sharing time. Thanks to Ann and Ms. Johnson for sharing a pizza snack with us!

Rainy days + no outdoor recess = (Just) Dance Party!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Journeys Practice Book pg. 9-10.
  • Complete the Think-Tac-Toe (in your child's assignment book.) The students are directed to choose three activities from the sheet. You can sign each activity they complete. All written work should be shown in your child's language notebook
    The cartoon that the students were recommended to watch on the TTT is:
    Postman Pat and the Greendale Rocket
  • Prepare for next Monday's (August 31st) spelling quiz: number line, before, after, less, more, greater than, fewer, less than, estimate, answer (from Math unit 1, chapter 1 pg. 11-17.)

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