
Friday, 18 September 2015

Friday, September 18th, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • reviewed our weekly target vocabulary and identified items around the classroom that have short vowel sounds in reading and phonics class
  • took turns sharing about our favorite animals during our weekly sharing time and continued our handwriting unit in language and spelling class
  • reviewed the steps of the design process by going through the steps of the egg drop challenge (which will start next Tuesday) in science class
We practiced our problem-solving skills with a skit yesterday in social studies class. Each group was given a problem and had to work through the steps we reviewed to find a solution. We'll exercise our improv acting skills again soon.

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Journeys Practice Book pg. 21-22.
  • Complete the Think-Tac-Toe (in your child's assignment book.) The students are directed to choose three activities from the sheet. Please sign each activity they complete. All written work should be shown in your child's language notebook
    The cartoon that the students were recommended to watch on the TTT is:
    Postman Pat Goes Undercover.
  •  Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
  • Prepare for next Monday's (September 21st) spelling quiz: observe, predict, measure, classify, compare, thermometer, balance, hand lens, tape measure, communicate (from Science Fusion unit 1 pg. 1-36.)

The quarter 1 study guides and schedule are in your child's assignment book. I will be teaching quarter 1 material through next Friday, September 25th.

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