
Monday, 7 September 2015

Monday, September 7th, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • learned about leadership and charity during assembly
  • took our weekly spelling quiz and our unit 1 phonics quiz in reading and phonics class
  • worked with today's number (13) and used strategies to solve problems in math class
  • differentiated between needs and wants in social studies class
  • practiced our class poem and song for the month of September during ECA 
Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete the reading response on "Cause and Effect" and check the rubric (in your child's assignment book.) 
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
  • The topic for this Friday's weekly sharing time is: My Favorite Toy. The students are, as a whole, improving their public speaking skills by being more organized with their thoughts, speaking loudly and clearly, and maintaining eye contact during their presentations. As they continue to improve, I will continue to require more from them (slowly-don't worry!) Thank you for helping and encouraging your child to always try their best. I truly appreciate your support. 
  • Check out Go Noodle! for fun indoor activities that will help get your child's wiggles out on these rainy days.
  • I sent home the weekly spelling quiz home. Please sign and return it with your child. Thank you!
  • The spelling words for next Monday's spelling quiz (September 14th) will come from Horizons unit 1 pg. 1-40:
  1. community
  2. citizen
  3. rule
  4. fair
  5. main idea
  6. detail
  7. cooperate
  8. city
  9. state
  10. change

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