
Monday, 27 April 2015

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Welcome to week 34!

Today in the second grade, we:
  • learned about "obedience" during the weekly assembly
  • took our weekly spelling quiz and took turns sharing in front of the class in language and spelling class
  • continued to identify fractions that are more, less, or equal to one whole in math class
  • started our new unit on vowel pairs, digraphs and diphthongs in reading and phonics class
  • started our new unit on past and present by discussing and creating a timeline of this past school year's events in social studies class
Tonight's Homework:

In your language and spelling notebook, write 12-15 sentences (3 or more paragraphs) about a story in Journeys or a story you have read. Please be sure to follow the directions on the accompanying rubric.

The spelling words for our next spelling quiz (Monday, May 4th) will come from Journeys pg. 327-344:
  1. understand
  2. gathered
  3. impatient
  4. impossible
  5. believe
  6. problem
  7. demand
  8. furious
  9. typewriter
  10. electric
  11. blankets
  12. sincerely
  13. strike
  14. heard
  15. cried
  16. background
  17. neutral
  18. ultimatum
  19. exchange
  20. emergency 
Special Notes:
  • The IOWA test results are back. I have stapled an envelope into your child's assignment book containing: a letter from the school, the overall (composite) scores of the grade two class, and your child's scores on the tests.  Mr. Hilden will be holding meetings this Wednesday and Thursday (April 29th and 30th) from 16:00-16:30 to discuss the meaning of the tests and the scores. Mr. Hilden is also available for individual conferences.
  • I have also stapled the quarter 4 P.E./Health study guide from Mr. Yanna into your child's assignment book.
  • Finally, congratulations to Eden and Kaitlyn for winning the award for the best overall Science Fair project and to Grace and Wilsoni for winning the award for the most creative Science Fair project! I am proud of my students for working hard, and for my students' parents for supporting their endeavors.

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