
Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday, March 2nd, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • learned about temperance during the weekly assembly
  • took our weekly spelling quiz and took turns sharing in front of the class in language and spelling class
  • learned about congruent shapes in math class
  • created new words by adding es, ed, ing, er and est to the base form in reading and phonics class
  • continued to learn about new cultures in social studies class
Tonight's homework:
  • Complete the green two-sided reading response and questions on plant life cycles.
  • Prepare for the unit 4 quiz in science class tomorrow. 
Special Notes:
*There will be no more new spelling words given for quarter three. The students are encouraged to study their current list of spelling words for the major subject exams next week. 

*I have sent your child's spelling tablet home with him or her. Your child was instructed to rewrite their mistakes five times and get their tablet signed by a parent. Thank you for your cooperation! 

*The students will have their minor subject exams this Thursday, March 5th for Chinese class, christian living class and music class.

*I have written a note and stapled additional information regarding the science fair into your child's assignment book. Please let me know if your child's partner(s) is suitable. 

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