
Thursday, 28 January 2016

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Today in the second grade, we:
  • took our cursive license test in language and spelling class
  • echo read "Talk About Smart Animals!" from Journeys and made connections to ourselves by discussing the steps in teaching an animal a trick, to another text (Click, Clack Moo: Cows That Type) by comparing the setting and characters in each text, and finally to the world by discussing the parts of a letter and the reasons we write letters (ex: to request something like the cows from the story, to thank someone for something, to express our feelings) in reading and phonics class
  • started our new unit on adding two-digit numbers by practicing regrouping by tens and ones in math class 
  • continued comparing and contrasting various holidays from different cultures, and wrote about Chinese New Year to our Canadian pen pals in social studies class
  • reviewed the target vocabulary and key concepts from our unit on weather in science class
  • visited the school's garden for some weeding and watering and enjoyed some of the lettuce, cilantro and onions that we helped grow by making ceviche lettuce wraps during ECA

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Math Practice 10.1-10.2.
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.  
  • P.E. day tomorrow: the children are reminded to wear their P.E. uniforms. 

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