
Monday, 2 February 2015

P.E./Health Quarter 3 Outline

PE/Health quarter 3 outline: Grade 2


Your Health text book: p. 16-29 and 34-42

*Students should read and review the information in these pages/and worksheets in folders.


(Real) Handball basic rules:

·         7 players on one team
·         Only use hands to play
·         Can only have the ball for 3 seconds
·         Cannot foul another player (foul means: hit, hold, pull, push, grab ball from)

P.E adapted rules

When the ball goes out on a side line:
·         Other team gets the ball and passes in to team mate

When the ball goes out behind the goal:
·         Goalies ball, or throw in from the side line
·         If two people hold the ball at the same time: There is a drop ball between those two.

Shooting for Goal
·         Cannot go into the goalies area to shoot
·         Cannot shoot from outside the shooting area
·         Can only take two steps when shooting
·         Cannot run with the ball
·         Cannot hold the ball for more than 3 seconds.

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