
Thursday, 19 November 2015

Thursday, November 19th, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • formed irregular plural nouns that end in 'es' and continued our unit on cursive writing in language and spelling class
  • pair read "Super Storms!" and summarized the key information about each of the four major storms (thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards) in reading and phonics class
  • extended, described, and created repeating and growing patterns in math class 
  • started our new unit "Me On A Map" by discussing the seven continents in social studies class
  • learned how to take care of our school garden from Mr. Chao and started making our fossils during science class
  • listened to a presentation from Sister Heart during ECA 

Daniel learns that we can't pull up plants when we are weeding.

Mr. Chao shows us what healthy soil looks like.

 The students compare the healthy soil with unhealthy soil. 

Mr. Chao shows us the different plants we will grow.

Mr. Chao shows us the difference between weeds and plants.


G2 celebrated Fiona's success at the spelling bee.

Well done, Fiona!
Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Math Practice 6.1-6.6.
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.  
  • Practice sharing time outline for this Friday's sharing time.

The students had a wonderful time learning about the garden and taking the first steps of helping our garden grow. It was, however, a bit messy. I apologize for sending your children home a bit muddier than usual. Please feel free to send a spare change of P.E. clothes and/or shoes every other Thursday. The next time we will be gardening will be on Thursday, December 3rd. Thank you for your understanding!

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