
Friday, 13 November 2015

Friday, November 13th, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • reviewed our weekly target vocabulary and practiced identifying long and short vowels, separating and pronouncing compound words in reading and phonics class
  • took turns sharing about what makes us happy during our weekly sharing time and continued our cursive writing unit in language and spelling class
  • continued to practice our dance moves in dance class
  • started learning about fossils: what they are and how they are made in science class
Mickey shares with us his poster on the life cycle of the pig.

Mid-morning cake break!

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Journeys Practice Book pg. 49-50.
  • Complete the Think-Tac-Toe (in your child's language notebook.) The students are directed to choose three activities from the sheet. Please sign each activity they complete. All written work should be shown in your child's language notebook.
    The cartoon that the students were recommended to watch on the TTT is:
    Maya and Miguel: Teachers Pets.
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
  • Prepare for next Monday's (November 16th) spelling quiz: vote, government, law, fact, patriotism, mayor, opinion, president, court, council, judge, election, property, capital (from Horizons unit 2 pg. 41-89.)
  • Prepare for Monday's (November 16th) math quiz on chapter 5: place value.
  • I have sent home your child's pocket folder. Please send it back with your child on Monday.  
  • We will be creating our own fossils next week. The students were instructed to bring in a small seashell or a small toy on Monday that we can use to create an imprint.

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