
Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Wednesday, December 16th, 2015

Today was a great day in the second grade!

We spent the morning at the art museum. It was a good walk to the museum, where we took a break to do a nature scavenger hunt with our houses. The houses that completed their hunt won points for their houses. We then spent some time exploring different galleries in the children's art museum before walking back. Thank you for packing healthy snacks for your children! They had great energy and fun thanks to eating well.

After lunch, we did a quick free write about our time on the field trip. We then had a song request time while we finished cleaning our classroom before the break. After that, we talked about our holiday journals. At 2 p.m., we headed to the gym, where we watched "The Grinch," ate popcorn and drank juice.

Holiday Homework:
  • Complete 10 reading log entries and have a parent sign your reading log after each entry.
  • Complete the holiday journal. There are 10 activities which review some of the material we have covered this past semester, as well as writing components where the students can reflect on the past semester and think about what they want from the next. I hope these activities can be interesting for the children. I've encouraged them to complete one every day or two.
  • If you have not done so already, please sign and return your child's 2nd quarter exams tomorrow. Thank you!
  • Tomorrow we will have our mass rehearsal and our holiday concert rehearsal in the morning. We will then have McDonald's for lunch, followed by gardening, yummy treats, some holiday clips and carol singing.
  • On Friday, the students should not bring their bags. They need to report directly to the chapel, and not go to the classroom first. We will begin mass promptly in order to finish by 9:15. The holiday concert will begin at 9:45 and finish at 11 a.m. The students will be dismissed immediately after the concert.

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