
Friday, 26 February 2016

Cursive License Photos

Friday, February 26th, 2016

Today in the second grade, we:
  • sponsored our monthly mass (well done, class-especially to Julie who did the responsible psalm!)
  • had our class picture taken
  • some took their cursive license test, while those who had their licenses worked on their sharing time in language and spelling class
  • practiced singing Christian music with Sister Heart
  • continued to learn more about daytime and nighttime, making a comparison of the length of days on each of the eight planets in science class

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Journeys Practice Book pg. 87-88.
  • Complete the Think-Tac-Toe (in your child's language notebook.) The students are directed to choose three activities from the sheet. Please sign each activity they complete. All written work should be shown in your child's language notebook.
    The cartoon that the students were recommended to watch on the TTT is:
    Pete and Pete: Space, Geeks, and Johnny Unitas
     The astronaut clip that they can watch is:
    Chris Hadfield demonstrates how astronauts wash their hands  
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
  • Prepare for next Tuesday's (March 1st) spelling quiz: planet, solar system, sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, orbit, star, constellation, daytime, nighttime, rotate, Pluto (from Science Fusion pg. 317-331.)
  • I have sent home your child's pocket folder. Please send it back with your child on Tuesday.
  • There will be a science quiz on unit 8 next Thursday.  
  • There will be no school next Monday! I hope you have a lovely long weekend.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

Today in the second grade, we:
  • worked with "is" and "are" to create original sentences in language and spelling class
  • formed irregular plural nouns with "ies" (ex: a cherry, some cherries) in reading and phonics class
  • practiced skip counting and adding three 2-digit numbers in math class 
  • compared the rotation of the planets in our solar system in science class
  • reviewed yesterday's quiz and started our new unit on past and present by sequencing information in a story in social studies class
  • practiced reading our prayers for tomorrow's mass, listened to our latest class story,  practiced  February's class poem and song during ECA
Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Math Practice 11.1-11.4.
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.  
  • Complete the sharing time outline (in your child's science notebook.)
  • Tomorrow we will have our monthly mass and picture day. The students need to be here by 8:20 at the latest so that we can practice our parts (G2 is sponsoring.) We will have have our class pictures taken after the mass, so the students need to come dressed in their regular school uniform, and pack their P.E. uniform. You are, as always, welcome to come observe the mass if you are free tomorrow morning.
  • Tomorrow we will have our cursive license retest. The students will have the opportunity to apply for their cursive license at the end of every month until the end of grade two. 
  • The quarter three study guides have been posted. They are also in your child's assignment book.

3rd Quarter Study Guide: Social Studies

Third Quarter Study Guide for Social Studies

*Please review the textbook About My Communities Unit 4 "Learn About People (pg. 161-207) and Unit 5 "Past and Present" (pg. 212-217.)

Be able to:
-identify the meaning of key vocabulary words
-read a bar graph and answer questions using information from a bar graph
-identify the Inuit as a Native American culture
-compare and contrast people's work, interests, and talents
-explain two different points of view
-relate people's points of view to their culture and environment
-recognize how explorers led the way for settlement in new places
-explain the role of pioneers in settling the United States
-explain how immigrants bring new ideas when they move
-find locations on maps
-determine directions on maps
-give examples of family traditions
-identify the parts of a bar graph
-use a bar graph to interpret information
-identify cultural holidays celebrated in the community
-describe customs associated with cultural holidays
-explain how ideas and culture spread from one place to another
-describe how science and technology have changed communities
-compare old and new forms of communication
-write a letter to your pen pal about your clothes, school subjects, and holiday celebrations

Key Vocabulary:

·         season

·         ancient

·         modern

·         unique

·         culture

·         point of view

·         explorer

·         pioneer

·         immigrant

·         route

·         heritage

·         religion

·         tradition

·         ancestor

·         bar graph

·         holiday

·         custom

·         language

·         communication

3rd Quarter Study Guide: Science

Third Quarter Study Guide for Science

*Please review the textbook Science Fusion unit 7 “All About Weather” (pg. 263-308) and unit 8 "The Solar System" (pg. 315-338.)

Be able to:
-identify the four seasons and explain how clothing and activities are affected by the changing of the seasons
-describe the water cycle
-identify different kinds of weather, including severe weather, and explain what you should do and wear during such weather
-identify different objects in the sky
-identify cirrus, stratus, and cumulus clouds, and what they each mean

Key Vocabulary:

·        weather

·        temperature

·        precipitation

·        wind

·        weather pattern

·        water cycle

·        evaporate

·        condense

·        season

·        migrate

·        hibernate

·        tornado

·        hurricane

·        lightening

·        thunderstorm

·        planet

·        solar system

·        orbit

·        constellation

·        Earth

·        rotate

·        nighttime

·        shadow

·        daytime

3rd Quarter Study Guide: Reading and Phonics

*Please review the workbook Phonics Unit 3 and Unit 4 (pg. 75-106) and Journeys (pg. 284-377.)


Be able to:
-identify the correct plural noun (regular plural nouns and irregular plural nouns)
-create plural nouns from the singular form (regular plural nouns and irregular plural nouns)
-create contractions
-separate contractions
-identify words that have the same vowel sound (ex: lawn and fawn)
-identify the number of vowels, syllables and vowel sounds in a word (telephone - 4 vowels, 3 syllables, 3 vowel sounds)
-identify all of the r-controlled vowels in a passage

*Please review the textbook Journeys pg. 284-377:
-“Jellies: The Life of Jellyfish"
- "Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type"
-“Violet’s Music”


Be able to use:
-read a short story and answer questions about it
-read a chart and answer questions using information from that chart
-match vocabulary words from the short story to their correct meaning

3rd Quarter Study Guide: Math

*Please review the textbook Math Unit 3, Chapters 7-9 (pg. 177-258) and Unit 4, Chapters 10-11 (pg. 261-315.)

Be able to:
  • Identify solid shapes.
  • Identify the faces, edges, and vertices on solid shapes.
  • Make plane shapes from faces of solid shapes.
  • Classify and compare solid shapes.
  • Use logical thinking to solve problems.
  • Identify and write unit fractions.
  • Identify and write fractions.
  • Identify fractions that show one whole or more than one whole.
  • Compare fractions using symbols.
  • Identify and write fractions that represent part of a group or set.
  • Solve problems using data from a picture.
  • Use basic addition facts to add multiples of ten.
  • Use a hundred chart to count on by tens to add.
  • Regroup 10 ones as 1 ten to show a number in another way.
  • Decide, when adding a 2-digit number and a 1-digit number, if the ones need to be regrouped.
  • Add a 1-digit number to a 2-digit number with and without regrouping.
  • Add 2-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
  • Identify unnecessary information in a problem and solve.
  • Rewrite horizontal addition in vertical form.
  • Estimate sums by rounding to the nearest ten.
  • Choose an appropriate computation method.
  • Add three 2-digit numbers.
Key Vocabulary:
  • solid shapes
  • cube
  • cylinder
  • sphere
  • pyramid
  • cone
  • rectangular prism
  • face
  • vertex
  • vertices
  • edges
  • unit fraction
  • whole
  • greater than
  • less than
  • add
  • sum
  • alike
  • different
  • pattern
  • regroup
  • tens
  • ones
  • information
  • round
  • estimate