Today in the second grade, we:
Tonight's Homework:
- worked on our sharing time outlines in language and spelling class. These outlines are in your child's science notebook. The students are encouraged to start searching for information about their planet (or dwarf planet.) Some of points they could search include:
- How did this planet get its name?
- Who discovered it?
- How far away is it from the sun?
- How long is a day on your planet? How long is a year?
- How cold and how hot does it get on your planet?
- What is on your planet? (mountains? volcanoes? craters? gases?)
- What are some interesting facts about your planet? (Are there any rings around your planet? How many moons does it have?)
- Could humans survive on your planet? What would they need to survive?
- pair read "Violet's Music" from Journeys and created a character map in reading and phonics class
- practiced identifying real-world solid objects and reviewed the key concepts from chapter 10 in preparation for next Monday's quiz in math class
- shared our KWL charts with each other and started learning about the inner four planets in science class
- visited the school's garden for some weeding and watering-using the lettuce, cilantro and onions to help make a tuna salad, listened to our latest class story, practiced February's class poem and song during ECA
Tonight's Homework:
- Complete Math Practice 10.5-10.7
- Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
- P.E. day tomorrow: the children are reminded to wear their P.E. uniforms.
- I would like to kindly remind you that class begins at 8:30. After prayers, we have our morning meeting, when we go through the day's agenda, review anything vital from the previous day, and practice a procedure or have a mini-discussion on personal growth and creating good habits. I don't want any student missing out on starting their school day with their classmates. It would be fantastic if every child could be here by 8:25 so that we get started without delay.
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