
Monday, 1 February 2016

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Today in the second grade, we:
  • were updated on our house points, celebrated the angel of the week, and learned about the virtue of "prudence" during our weekly assembly
  • took our weekly spelling quiz and our unit 3 phonics quiz in reading and phonics class
  • used mental math and basic facts to add tens  in math class
  • listened to and compared the story of Cinderella as told from a Egyptian and Korean point of view in social studies class
  • made sentences with this week's idiom: "Out of the Woods," brainstormed ideas for this Friday's sharing time, listened to our latest class story,  voted for February's class poem and song during ECA

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete the sandwich book report on the historical person you chose (the students checked out books from the library last week) and check the rubric (in your child's language notebook.) 
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log. 
  • Complete your sharing time outline on Sports if you haven't finished it yet.
  • I sent home the weekly spelling quiz. Please sign and send it back with your child. Thank you!
  • For Chinese New Year homework, I will be assigning the students five activities in their holiday journals, as well as five reading log entries. 
  • For tomorrow's field trip to the Ten Drum Cultural Center in Tainan, we will be leaving at 8:30 a.m. sharp in order to be able to enjoy the entire program that is available at the center. Please bring your child to school by 8:20 a.m. tomorrow. Thank you! the children will need to bring:
    • a small bag they can carry themselves
    • a water bottle that can they can either wear or that fits inside their small bag
    • a healthy snack (fruit, vegetables, nuts are all great options: we'll be eating some junk food on Friday!)
    • their national health ID card

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