
Friday, 23 October 2015

Friday, October 23rd, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • reviewed our weekly target vocabulary and practiced identifying and reading long o (o_e, oa, ow, oe) words in reading and phonics class
  • took turns sharing about our favorite place during our weekly sharing time-this time allowing for questions after our presentations, and continued our cursive writing unit in language and spelling class
  • started a chart for what we already know about the six animals (insects, birds, fish, mammals, amphibians, reptiles) in science class

Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete Journeys Practice Book pg. 38-39.
  • Complete the Think-Tac-Toe (in your child's language notebook.) The students are directed to choose three activities from the sheet. Please sign each activity they complete. All written work should be shown in your child's language notebook.
    The cartoon that the students were recommended to watch on the TTT is:
    The Berenstain Bears: The Bad Habit/The Prize Pumpkin.There are two shows in this cartoon. I would like your child to write about just one (unless they want to do both!)
  •  Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
  • Prepare for next Monday's (October 26th) spelling quiz: survey, tally marks, data, pictograph, symbols, bar graph, ordered pairs, grid, mode, range, median, impossible (from Math chapter 4 pg. 77-96.)
  • I have sent home your child's pocket folder. Please send it back with your child on Monday.  
  • Mr. Yanna said that the G2 class was very well-behaved and cooperative in P.E. class today. I wanted to let you know that G2 was also well-behaved at the museum yesterday. It is a joy to watch your children grow more careful, considerate, and cooperative.

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