
Monday, 12 October 2015

Monday, October 12th, 2015

Today in the second grade, we:
  • were updated on our house points during the weekly assembly
  • took our weekly spelling quiz and practiced identifying and reading long a (ai, ay, a_e) words in reading and phonics class
  • worked with today's number (26) and placed ordered pairs on a grid in math class
  • practiced voting and applying the concepts of "ballot" and "majority rule" in social studies class
  • practiced our October song and poem during ECA
Tonight's Homework:
  • Complete the reading response on "Food is Our Fuel" and check the rubric (in your child's assignment book.) 
  • Read aloud for 15 minutes and have a parent sign your reading log.
  • The quarter two electives were announced and will start this Friday, September 16th. They are as follows:

    Movie Club with Ms. Lopez

    Yoga with Ms. Easterling

    Reading Club with Ms. Fisher

    Computer Club with Ms. Livingston
  • The topic for this Friday's weekly sharing time is: My Favorite Food.
  • I sent home the weekly spelling quiz. Please sign and return it with your child. Thank you! 
  •  I also sent home the Q1 report cards. I would like to have a chance to chat with all of you regarding your child's progress during the first quarter, so please schedule a meeting with me through Dojo or the assignment book if I haven't met with you yet. Thank you!
  •  The students will have a science quiz this Wednesday, September 14th, on unit 2.
  • The spelling words for next Monday's spelling quiz (September 19th) will come from Science Fusion unit 2 pg. 41-65: "Technology and Our World."
  1. engineer
  2. design
  3. process
  4. problem
  5. improve
  6. solution
  7. technology
  8. environment
  9. redesign
  10. robot
  11. bridge
  12. rocket

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